Marine DC Generators Support

MarineDC 5000

Marine AGT 5 DC

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Marine AC 8 Mini

Marine AGT 6 DC

Maintenance and Troubleshooting Downloads

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Marine AC Generators Support

Remember to frequently check your generator for leaks, corrosion and salt-build up. For new owners, ensure that you have a qualified technician check your generator after 35 hours. See your manual for details.

Here are some key things to be done before winter storage

  • Flush cooling systems with fresh water using a hose placed in the strainer allow running time of 5-10 minutes.
  • Place hose coming to strainer in a bucket containing biodegradable antifreeze, restart Generator run till mixture coming out exhaust.
  • Close thru hull fitting.
  • Open capsule leave upper latch between both halves to allow for air circulation.
  • Turn battery switch off

Upon re commissioning do the following

  • Replace raw water impeller
  • Check all hose & clamps
  • Open thru hull, turn battery switch on
  • Change oil
  • Replace fuel filters prime system fuel system, turn on panel unplug wire at oil pressure switch 3-5 minutes until fully bleed
  • Reconnect wire at oil pressure switch, start generator run without load 5-10 minutes, apply load & verify no leaks


For a trouble-free generator, please consult your owner’s manual for the required maintenance schedules