Boating Season is right around the corner. Depending on where you are in the country, this means it may be time to pull your vessel out of storage and prep all the onboard systems for a season of fun on the water. At Fischer Panda, our technical service team knows the ins and outs of properly maintaining our marine generators for maximum performance and improved longevity. To help boat owners and maintenance teams properly maintain Fischer Panda water cooled marine generators, we have compiled a list of tasks we recommend prepping your unit for the season.
Remove the Generator Capsule Cover
- Using Compressed Air, Blow Off Engine Target the backend of the unit, along with the bottom of the capsule to remove any settled material.
- Check the Capsule and Cover Interior with Sound Deadening Foam Has the foam absorbed any liquids? Push down on the foam to check for any liquid build up. If the foam has absorbed fluids, determine the type of fluid, and inspect that system for leaks. Reminder: If sound-insulating foam or engine isolation mounts have been in contact with diesel fuel or engine oil, the foam and mounts will require replacement after cause of issue is rectified to prevent the materials from degrading over time.
- Check All Hoses and Hose Clamps Confirm the hoses are still intact with no obvious damage or cracking. Confirm hose clamps are still tight (not overly tight) and are free of oxidation or damage. If a hose clamp shows any sign of material breakdown, it needs to be changed immediately to avoid failure and complications within the capsule.
- Check All Wiring and Wiring Harnesses Confirm that all hard wiring is still intact, and all connectors are seated and show no signs of breakdown or damage.
- Engine Belt, Belt Tension, and Pulleys Confirm the condition of the belt, keeping an eye out for cracking or fraying. The tension can be confirmed by checking the belt deflection. It should be close to 10mm of deflection at the middle of the longest span. Adjustments are made at the tensioning pulley.
- Bar the Crank Over by Using a Socket on the Nut in Center of Crank Pulley Turn the crankshaft a few revolutions to free it up and confirm smooth function.
- Raw Water-Cooling System From entry of thru hole to genset, confirm all plumbing is clear of debris, seaweed or any other objects or material. Check status of pump impellor and seals. If your unit has an automatic raw water valve, confirm it is operational.
- Fresh Water-Cooling System Confirm the coolant is bled solid through the system and the coolant quality and condition is run-ready.
- Generator Battery Confirm all terminals are tight, clean, and making good contact. Check battery voltage and capacity under load (refer to our previous blog entry Battery Voltage Vs. Battery Capacity).
- Control Systems Fuses Check for status of all fuses by pulling them from the holder and reseating. Make sure all control relays are seated into holder properly.
- Fuel and Fuel Delivery Check the condition and quality of generator’s fuel and fuel delivery system. Confirm the system is bled solid up to injectors and that no air is present.
- Check Sensor Data Use control panel to check sensor data, and confirm all sensors are reporting values (winding temperature does not report until temperature is greater than 105F). Confirm panel is not reporting any alarms.
- Perform First Start and Run Cycle When first starting the unit, make sure the generator cover is still removed for visual inspection of the machine’s performance. Check for raw water pump leaks, and other unusual vibrations, rattling, or an inconsistent idle. After a few minutes, confirm your output values at the panel readout. If everything is reading as it should, your Fischer Panda generator should be ready to go for the season.
For more information, contact our technical service team, Robert & Isaac at: 1-800-508-6494
Fischer Panda Generators
351 S. Andrews Ave,
Pompano Beach FL 33069
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]